Germany  Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 ° Ost

The Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost is a mixture between a science center and theme park. It shows a unique world of weather, climate and climate-change knowledge and experience, also making it a climate museum.Travel the world along the eighth longitude and experience the earth’s climate zones close up – exciting and spectacular.

Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 ° Ost

Liste des billets euro souvenir

10 Jahre Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost
Ein Liebesbrief an den Planeten! Bob Geldof
XEDW Dispo 2019 - 01 10000 Details
Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost
XEDW Dispo 2019 - 05 10000 Details

Liste des lieux touristiques